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John 16: 33

30 September, 2020

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Almighty God, we are but lowly creatures, the creation of your hand. You have molded us like a potter molds clay, to do everything unto your will. Yet, we craved for more and had to pay the price of our transgressions with suffering and death.

Despite our degradation of your just commands, your explicit love and mercy which is your absolute and perfect nature, rescued us by coming down into the world as Man, and lifting us out of sinfulness to repentance and retribution, leading to deliverance.

You have accomplished the ultimate victory over the evil principalities of this world and granted us the esteem of adoption as your children. The true life is that which is in communion with you through Christ, one of never-failing peace, which no tribulation can ever affect. Peace is the birthright of one living in Christ and thus in union with you God, our Maker and our Father.

Jesus has won the victory of salvation for us and we are filled with the peace he has left us, the peace of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. The enemies we fear in this world of tribulation, are already captives following Christ’s glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven. Enable us to keep our focus on our Savior and Redeemer, for peace and happiness, including the blessedness of strength, comfort, Divine favor, anointing of the Holy Spirit and purification of heart.

However severe the trials of this life, Christ’s peace will save us from despondency, for he has defeated the adversary in defeating death and the ignominy of sin and raised us to eternity and everlasting inheritance in the Heavenly Kingdom. By the sacrifice of Christ we approach you Father, for your grace is obtained through the mediation of Christ. We make our supplications in Jesus’ Name and trust that our petitions will be granted. Amen

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