Prayers and Petitions

John 17:25-26

6 October, 2021

Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them. John 17:25–26

Almighty God, Holy Immortal One, you have breathed your Spirit into us and it is you who sustain us. Father, your love encompasses the whole of creation, with no distinction or division whatsoever. The deadly temptations of our earthly experiences has cut the cord of communion between our God and us, mere creations, made of dust. Out of your great compassion, you were compelled to send your Word made flesh, as the Son of Man to earth to save us from the bondage of darkness.

The mission of Jesus was to reveal to us your Holy personage in a way that communicated experiential knowledge. Knowing you as Father we became one with you, like the love that eternally existed between you, and Jesus, your  Son and is now experienced by us because of its manifestation through Christ our Lord. With his redeeming sacrifice, we have been united with you, in the oneness of Spirit, and having you as our Righteous Father, we experience the joy of righteousness and the spirit and oneness of love enduring forever.

Jesus remains one with you, Father, totally aligned with your will and intentions. He took away our iniquities and washed us with his saving blood, making us his forever. Now we no longer live, but Christ lives and abides in us and will continue to draw us nearer to you, until we are in your Divine Presence, which we will enjoy for all eternity, in Jesus’ Name we pledge. Amen

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