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John 3:16

19 December, 2021

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him, will not perish but have everlasting life. – John 3:16

God our Father, we live in a world of total disarray, disaster, hardships, betrayal, where one can’t trust their own shadow. We are often subject to hurt, and frustration in our lives and wander about like lost sheep, seeking peace and yearning to find calm, comfort, and hope. But we are reassured in your promises, Almighty God and in the knowledge that you love us so much that you sacrificed your own Son, your Word made flesh, to save us, rescue us, and sanctify us, so that we could have life in abundance and unto eternity.

Abba Father, you are the Lord of all, and are sufficient to yourself. Yet, knowing that it was impossible for us to get disentangled from the snares of evil, you sent your beloved Son as the perfect sacrifice. It is through the death and resurrection of Jesus that we are saved, redeemed, and set free from sin and death. As believers we are promised eternal life, free from condemnation, placing our faith in Jesus, for we can approach you through Jesus alone.

Acting upon your plan of salvation, you gave us your Son, to die, as a sacrifice for our sins, in our stead, thus justifying us. And this Son was your only dearly beloved Son, coming as an offspring of human beings, for only he could redeem us for all time, by the single ransom of his life in place of the sordid sins of the world. Father, we bend in shame at all the cruel sufferings we inflicted by our sins, for Jesus’ death can never be repaid. You have demonstrated the extent of your love for us, and we plead forgiveness in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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December 19, 2021
December 20, 2021