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John 8 :12

25 October, 2020

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

God of Salvation, your brilliance and radiance sets the whole firmament aglow. Out of your Being you uttered the word, “Let there be Light” and the splendor of your irradiated effervescence illuminated and made all things visible, eliminating the void of darkness. Where you are, God of the Universe, there is light reflected, for you are the Light of the world.

Jesus, your only begotten Son, one in Being with you, sent to redeem and save the whole of humanity, which was floundering and in bondage to the ruler of sin and darkness, revealed that he was the Light of the world, because in him is the glory of the Father, and we beheld his glory, the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

By Jesus’ Spirit within us, by his merciful perfect example of sacrificially offering his Life to redeem us, by the Truth of his Gospel, and by the manifold indications of his Providence, by his reconciling us with you, by his delivering us of our transgressions, by the heavenly inheritance and sonship he has obtained for us, Jesus Christ our Guide, our Good Shepherd, who leads the straying souls back into the fold has revealed his Godliness, as the Light of the world.

As followers and members of his Body, the Church, we are blessed to be enwrapped in his Light, knowing that as we are in his Light, we can never stumble into darkness. For by your grace, loving Father, our compassionate Savior will lead us back into your soothing healing Light. By Jesus’ Name we are saved and redeemed by his Light. Amen

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2 Prayers

  1. Amen to the above prayer made to the God of Salvation in Jesus’ name. Abba Father, your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Please help us to live as children of the light and not of darkness. Please forgive us our sins and help us to forgive one another. Also let us love one another and do unto others what we would like to be done unto us. Thank you for sending your only begotten son Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Saviour. Let us follow his teachings and live according to the Holy Gospels which He preached to his disciples, as it is the only way to Salvation and Eternal Life. Thank you Father. It’s in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. ?✝️??❤️

  2. Lydia says:

    Heavenly Father please help us keep our minds focused on Jesus so that we will always walk in His Light. Thank you Lord, in the Name of your beloved Son Jesus.???

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