Prayers and Petitions

Joshua 1:9

3 June, 2023

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9

Lord God, you are our Rock of Strength, our Fortress, our very Foundation, and we stand before you with worship on our lips and trust in our hearts, building up our restraint, temperance, and fortitude, for we have unquestionable faith in your steadfastness, and the strength of your promises keeps us sturdy in the belief that your infallible plan is at work in us. Lord, walk afresh with us everyday, as we face life with calmness, endurance  and forbearance, refusing to bend and keel over, from the pressures of life.

With firmness, confidence and comfort in your Holy Word, Lord, we accept all crosses which come our way, believing in the gain which will proceed from obedience to your Holy Will. For the ultimate victory belongs to you Lord, and those who seek you with determined faith, will find you. For though we cannot fully see you, we can experience you and feel your Presence in our lives. We know that if we are deeply engaged in this world, we will be blocking outpourings of spiritual and heavenly blessings in our daily lives. Transform our lives Lord, so that, even in the midst of trials, we are able to work our way through, and find you with us, as promised.

You give all the righteous, who hope and believe in your powerful intervention in their lives, great resilience to bear with and overcome all tribulation that besets them, and the obstacles which try hard to break their reserves and bring them to despair. The devil and the world seek through all means to bog us down in this world, by creating an atmosphere in which we fail to reach your greater goals and plans for us. Being in Christ, has produced in those of us suffering for the eternal reward of salvation, great perseverance, which carries with it your promise of imperishable providence in your kingdom, in Jesus’ Name. Ameen

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