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Jude 1:20-21

17 August, 2024

But you, dear friends, use your most holy faith to build yourselves up even stronger. Pray with the help of the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves safe in God’s love, as you wait for the Lord Jesus Christ in his mercy to give you eternal life. – Jude 1:20‭-‬21

Lord God, Eternal Father, how great are you, our God, how Infinite, Ever-loving and Merciful! We Praise and glorify your Holy Name, for the incomparable gift of Life, for endowing us with courage, faith, power and all our daily necessities. We are ever grateful, for giving us the gifts and virtues of your Holy Spirit, to lead us on, in ever increasing faith, on our journey towards our heavenly home, to live in the Presence of your Majesty, our Creator, the Author of our lives.

Your indwelling Spirit is, as promised by you, O Lord and keeper of your Promises, ever watchful, leading and guiding, instructing and exhorting, comforting and encouraging us in all walks of our lives. He cleanses our spirits when we beg pardon and forgiveness for our transgressions, making us worthy in your eyes, thus strengthening the foundation of our faith and hope in our One, True God. We thank you, Lord, for assisting us in our faith, burnishing and deepening it to weather the storms in our lives and to ward off all the temptations of the evil one.

We walk and breathe, infusing the faith of your gift of grace, your favor of salvation, praying for you to strengthen all areas of weakness and ignorance, that we may not fall prey to wickedness and iniquity. We faithfully abide in our Lord Jesus, walking with Him every step of the way, carrying the cross of our burdens and sorrows, our pain and suffering, making sure that we remain loyal to your commandments, in stern discipline adhering to your covenants, with the everlasting hope of gaining the gift and glory of eternal life, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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August 17, 2024
August 17, 2024