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Luke 1: 46-49

30 December, 2020

And Mary said: “My soul praises the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me – holy is his name.” Luke 1:46–49

O Holy and Magnificent God, in your righteousness you planned the redemption of mankind from the beginning of creation, knowing that the deceit of mankind would result in its decadence so great, that the Word which was with you from the beginning and which was you, would be required to fulfill a Messianic mission to redeem man and deliver him from the slavery of sin and death.

And so, it was proper, that the Word would take flesh in the womb of a sinless and unblemished virgin and you created Mary and overshadowed her with your own Spirit, to bring forth the Son of God as the Son of Man into the world. The visit of the Angel Gabriel to Mary, revealing to her your plan of salvation for the world, was, though of a profundity of such magnitude as to stupefy the young virgin into apprehension, was met with gracious obedience, knowing well the stupendous task ahead of her, but mindful of the highest honor accorded her by her Lord and Master, the God of her fathers.

In simple and humble acceptance of the role she would play in salvation history, Mary praised and magnified the name of God, and acknowledged his Holy Will, unmindful and regardless of its consequences but placing absolute trust in her loving God. May we, like Mary, always do your Will, dear Father, for your plans for our lives are good and holy, and your deeds mighty and just. We acclaim this in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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