Prayers and Petitions

Luke 12:40

11 December, 2021

You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. – Luke12:40

Creator God, you have planned the whole functioning of the universe in a perfect manner, for you are an Infallible, Immortal and Mighty God, Whose plans for all is carried out with precision. We are sinful mortals who have no sign by which we might be in readiness to depart from the earth when our allotted time has been fully utilized. Hence, we need to be in readiness to meet your Infiinite Majesty, in our celestial home, at all times.

The day of judgment, has been spoken of by Jesus and also by the prophets, for although it is apparent that salvation is a free gift for all who have followed Christ, our works will be put to the test on the day of judgement, and we need to be unblemished, sanctified and justified by our faith to be able to go into your Presence. Our preparation for death, and the last judgment, should engage us in the performance of good works, to be ready for the coming of Christ.

Father, give us a greater sense of urgency and expectation about the coming of Christ, to be ready and to greet that day with joy and celebration even though we cannot know the day or hour of his coming. Grant us wisdom to invest in eternal things that matter and courage to live with purity and holiness as we seek to offer ourselves to Jesus, fully prepared for his coming, with a sense of joyous anticipation. In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen

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