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Luke 18:1

28 January, 2024

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Luke 18:1

Eternal Father, God of Mercy, Justice and Compassion, we belong to a weary and sinful humanity, lost in our own selfishness and dragged down by the burden of our weaknesses and anxieties. Lord, our souls are deeply challenged by the many pathways of worldliness and we have lost our connection with you and are wallowing in loneliness and suffering. We accept our unworthiness and are filled with the need to pray and to hope in the revival of our faith and trust in your Justice and Faithfulness.

Lord, your beloved Son and our Savior Jesus Christ has bequeathed to us the title of children of God and we glorify your Holy Name and are encouraged by the hope of our salvation, through penance for our many iniquities and your forgiveness and restoration of us to righteousness. We are exhorted to pursue our goal of attaining a place in your Heavenly Kingdom, by unceasing prayer and worship of you and by seeking you at all times, in all places. Abba Father grant your children increased humility, obedience and fervour to do your Holy Will, for the sake of your Glory.

We entreat you, dear Lord, to help us harness our minds and hearts towards persistence in prayer, to make us worthy of your love, and to help us to overcome challenges and tribulations by virtue of our faith and trust in your unchanging Mercy. May we not fall into the snares of the evil one to give up or be dismayed by reason of delay in receiving answers to the things we ask of you, or through laziness, and remission of our duty, Teach us to continue being watchful and faithful of your Holy Ways and to pray single-mindedly to receive your blessings and favor, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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January 27, 2024
January 28, 2024