22 July, 2020
You are those who have stood by me in my trials. And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me, so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom Luke 22:28–30a, NIV
O God, everyday we awaken, thankful for another day, and behold in awe the wondrous sights that are the works of your creation. But yet more astounding is the truth of things to come and the majesty of the celestial Kingdom which awaits us. Just as the apostles showed their faithfulness in abiding with Jesus throughout his ministry on earth, adhering to their appointment to proclaim the gospel despite afflictions and persecutions, so also give us the resolution to aspire to be deserving of a place in eternity by setting our sights and hopes not on temporal gains but on the promise of spiritual posterity through the redemption of our Lord Jesus. We believe that he has marked a place for all the just, in the heavenly sanctuary, the tabernacle of the living God. We hold fast to that promise, in Jesus’ Name. Amen