Prayers and Petitions

Luke 6:36

17 June, 2023

Be you therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. – Luke 6:36

Heavenly Father, your reservoir of mercy and goodness is omnipotent and truly immeasurable. You pour out your compassion on sinners, hardened as they are, seeking to save their souls from eternal bondage, by enlightening their hearts and minds to the truth of your Being. We have been saved, and fortified with your heavenly grace, and as Christ’s followers, we need to be Christlike, dispensing mercy to others.

These are difficult commands to follow and only a deep disposition of humility and service, by the faith we have of Christ’s love, will help us to open our hearts and allow it to flow with a generosity of spirit. Every one that comes to Jesus, and is sanctified in his blood, can relate to the greatness of the mercy and the love there is in him, and respond in like manner, to those bogged down by the burdens of their sinfulness. Help us then, aim to be merciful and kind, according to the richness of mercy which you have shown us, dear God.

By the Blood of Christ we have been saved. By your grace, O Father, we have been redeemed and reconciled to you and by our faith we have received eternal Salvation. May we be granted the sacred occasion of displaying the same to our fellowmen, so that, by the Truth they will know you, and be given the same grace and mercy. We celebrate our Christian faith and will devotedly perform our duties of mercy, to distribute and make it available to all, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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