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Malachi 4:6

11 April, 2024

He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction. – Malachi‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬

Eternal Father, Almighty God, through Jesus Christ your Son, you have adopted us as your sons and daughters, even though we were divided amongst ourselves. We bow down in adoration and are infinitely grateful to you, for the brotherly preaching of our Lord Jesus, imparting knowledge of your Truth and the wisdom of your Holy Word, thus, through instruction and examples, binding us together as brethren. Some fathers to their children, whose souls being converted to Christ, had their hearts restored, their relations mended, turning one to another, becoming reconciled in love and respect.

Lord, the sound utterances of your great prophets, have throughout the ages, mended the hearts of those who were undutiful children towards their fathers, but now, by understanding and reconciling, one to another, have heeded the calls to repentance, and embraced the doctrine of the Messiah, immediately on it being revealed. They have been baptized into the faith, ceased their quarrels, and both parents and children’s hearts have been united to Christ first, and then to each other, and finally, to you, our Father, forevermore.

Father, by our obedience and through our submission, we realise that you will tender the blessings of grace and peace, and give your favor to all who accept your covenant. We wish only to follow your just guidance and your Holy Will and accept your plans and designs for our lives, thwarting the measures of the evil one, whose only goal is to curse and destroy, thus bringing us to total condemnation. The evil one tries to raze to the ground, all that is profitable for our souls, thus igniting a fire of destruction between us and our eternal salvation. Help us to foil evil plans of desolation, hardships and miseries, which cause you displeasure. Assist us, Lord, in casting away sin, seeking instead your mercy and acknowledging you as our Sovereign and Father, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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April 11, 2024
April 11, 2024