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Mark 11:24

26 March, 2024

Therefore I say unto you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.
Mark 11:24

Abba Father, all creation worships in obeisance before you, for you are the God who is Absolute Love, eternal and perfect, and you are the God of inexhaustible Mercy, overflowing for us. Even though we are sinners, you justly and graciously bless us with answers to our prayers and that is because Jesus Christ died for our sins and turned away your wrath O God, from us. Everything beneficial, for us, sinful human beings, was purchased by our Savior, at Calvary.

And therefore, all answers to prayers are free gifts based on your mercy. We do not merit answers to our prayers by anything we say or do, but plead for the overflow of mercy already purchased by the sacrifice of our Lord. Give us, Abba Father, the essential gifts of faith and charity to receive your acceptance. You hear the fervent prayers of your people and if it is in accordance with your Holy Will, you grant them to us. .

Jesus has promised that all who ask of the Father with a purified heart, deep in faith and belief, and placed before you, our God, in Jesus’ Name, will be given to us. When we ask in prayer, such as is for our good, and for your glory, you shall not refuse us. By the Power of the Holy Spirit and the strength of our belief, with pure minds and righteous hearts, we place our petitions before you, certain that our prayers will receive favor in your sight, because they are made in trust, in accordance with your Holy Will and in the Blessed Name of Jesus. Amen

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Day Thirty-Five of Lent – “It is Finished”
March 25, 2024
March 26, 2024