16 February, 2025
He said to them, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature. – Mark 16:15
Heavenly Father, we bless your Holy Name, for you are Mighty, Powerful, Omnipotent and Infallible, yet you deemed us worthy of not just being saved, but given adoption and an inheritance in your Heavenly abode, by our faith, cleansing us and purifying us of sin by the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. Your healing and sanctifying grace you freely pour upon all who are clothed in faith, abiding in Jesus and baptized in the Holy Spirit.
Lord, you brought salvation and eternal life to a broken and lost world, stifled by sin and submerged in despair and deprivation. It was our Lord Jesus who restored us to you, by his atoning sacrifice paying the price for our sins, his death restoring us to life and his resurrection and ascension revealing the glory of the Father and bequeathing to us the promise of eternal life. We are blessed to being counted among your chosen ones, your children, with the promise of eternally dwelling with you and the legion of angels and saints.
Your Holy Spirit, as promised by Jesus, dwells within us, and the commission given to the apostles and disciples that the gospel is to be preached by all Christians, to all men, whoever they are and wherever they may be, is your main command to all followers of Christ. As evangelists, we invoke your assistance in strengthening our zeal to testify the good news of your gospel of salvation, obtained by true repentance and by availing of your mercy, thus adding to the number of Christian brethren, through faith in Christ Jesus. Amen