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Mark 7: 34-35

4 October, 2020

He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”). At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly. Mark 7:34–35

All praise and glory and thanksgiving be to you, our Merciful and Compassionate Father, whose heart is overflowing with love for mankind. You are a God who manifests grief at our unfaithfulness, concern and sorrow at our failings and turmoils, who shares our burdens and agonies. Oh God, you even took on human flesh in order to redeem us from the clutches of evil, giving us restoration and deliverance from suffering and sin.

Jesus, when on his earthly mission, taught us to always acknowledge you, our Father in heaven, to appeal to your goodness and invoke your aid by humble supplication. By his example, we lift our eyes heavenward and beseech you to heal us from the wickedness of temptation, which is the origin of all our infirmities, as well as our infidelities.

Oh wonderful Miracle Worker, you laid down your life to grant us eternal life. Just as you opened the deaf man’s ears, so he could hear, the eyes of the blind, so he could see and restored the power of speech to the mute.

Open our eyes, ears and lips to be witnesses of your glory, listeners of your Holy Word and bearers of the good tidings of truth, the good news of your Kingdom, which awaits all who are drenched in faith with the Power of your Holy Spirit. Give us kindness as well as boldness as evangelists and witnesses of our faith, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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1 Prayer

  1. Lydia says:

    Thanks for the beautiful scripture verse and prayer to our Heavenly Father made in the mighty Name of Jesus, our Healer. ?✝️❤️

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