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Matthew 11: 10

20 December, 2020

This is the one about whom it is written: “I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way before you.” Matthew 11:10

Heavenly Father, we count ourselves among the blessed of this world, that you have chosen us as your people among the multitudes of this earth. In commemoration of your coming into this world in the person of Jesus Christ we prepare our hearts and souls to receive you with the highest praise and glory, the same way John the Baptist made our paths straight, so we could become your worthy followers.

We are instruments in your hands, Lord, to perform and fulfill your holy will and accomplish the purpose of revealing the light of your glory and to propagate the good news of your eternal kingdom which has a place for all believers by their faith and your grace.

Just as John the Baptist selflessly, zealously, faithfully and fervently performed his commission of making clear a pure and sanctified path for you at the start of your ministry of deliverance and salvation for mankind, we adhere to your ordinances to make chaste and straighten the way for those who have yet to know you.

We surrender them and ourselves to you, Lord, to become recipients of your favor and dispensation which will lead us into your presence to enjoy the benefits as your children and co-heirs and citizens of a heavenly and glorious inheritance, acquired through fellowship with Jesus and in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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1 Prayer

  1. Propecia says:

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