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Matthew 23: 11

11 January, 2022

The greatest among you must be your servant. – Matthew 23:11

Abba Father, our Steadfast God, we worship you and give you praise and thanks, for there is none greater than you. And yet, you came to dwell amongst us, in flesh incarnated, born in a lowly stable, growing in wisdom and knowledge, yet endowed with the most humble bearing. You taught us humility, as you demonstrated that you had come to serve and to save the lowest ranks, the sinners and the marginalized.

Lord, you have manifested that boastfulness and arrogance make a man fall in the eyes of God. You bestow your graces and blessings on the poor in spirit, on the humble and the contrite. You washed the feet of your disciples at the last supper, exhorting them to a life of service in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Those who serve, rendering benefit to all, attain heavenly rewards.

All worldly desires of greatness, royalty, ambition, wealth and position comes to naught and is of no account in your eyes. But the one who lives in great faith has far greater possessions in the heavenly kingdom, where a crown and sonship, deliverance and eternal life and grace in your Holy presence awaits those who live their lives with humble demeanor and willing service. They who are rich in almsgiving, in sharing and spreading your Word and who live with goodwill towards others, drawing, with Christlike humility their brethren to the heavenly kingdom, will attain the richness of your glory, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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January 11, 2022
January 12, 2022