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Matthew 26:24

27 March, 2024

The Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.Matthew 26:24

Eternal Father, by your decree, the plan of salvation, starting with the incarnation of your only Son Jesus Christ into the world and ending with his crucifixion and resurrection gave us freedom from bondage, death and sin. Jesus’ betrayal by Judas was despicable, though by your Holy Will, by the testimony of Scripture. Lord, we praise and glorify your Holy Name because, as prophesy revealed, your plan worked infallibly, from start to finish, showing your immeasurable love for your human creation, who you deemed worthy to save, with the sacrificial death of Jesus..

Though the sacrifice entailed betrayal, we have to realise that by our free will, we make our own choices, for our hearts and minds are governed by the power we are given and the responsibility of our choice lies with us. Lord, help us to be free of treachery, avarice and corruption, to choose the right path and avoid condemnation of the wicked by living and dying in Christ alone. Help us Lord, to have a desire for your truth and your ways, inorder to become righteous and worthy of being children of our Abba Father. May we, by honest living, not fall prey to the wiles of the wicked one, who is ruler of the world.

Our life, Lord, though transitory, and full of innumerable distresses, is an invaluable gift from you and may we, by your Grace, build up our lives for the increase of your glory, shunning all that is detestable, wicked and destructive. For your gifts are precious and to be treasured and not to be used in a manner that carries with it damnation and shame. We endeavour to live our lives righteously and be awarded justly, by walking in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus, and to occupy the place prepared for us in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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March 27, 2024
March 27, 2024