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Matthew 28:19

27 May, 2023

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. – Matthew 28:19

Almighty Father, Maker of heaven and earth and all contained therein, we are full of gratefulness at being members of the chosen ranks, bearing Christ’s Name, Christians and followers of our Lord, believers and faithful of your Church established by Jesus Christ. Just before he ascended into heaven, Jesus gave his Church their greatest commission on this earth, the ministry which would fulfil our purpose and give us true direction over all generations to come.

Jesus commanded us to go about teaching the Holy Word of your Gospel of Truth, so that all learners of the Word may be made disciples in all the nations, by baptism of water and the fire of the Spirit, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. True discipleship can only happen after salvation, for a disciple is one that keeps the faith and is zealous and devoted in keeping on learning about Christ.

We need your kind assistance Lord, to expand our belief in the Truth of the free gift of salvation which Jesus has won for us, and by which, if we believe, will bring us face to face with our Lord and Creator. We need to mature in our faith and become recipients of outpourings of your grace upon those who believe and who, thus believing, receive the gift of eternal salvation which is granted to those with true discipleship in the Lord. Grant us, we pray, the wisdom and virtue of the Holy Spirit to be strengthened with your Holy Word in Jesus our Lord. Amen

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May 27, 2023
May 27, 2023