Prayers and Petitions

Matthew 5: 17, 20

24 November, 2020

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them…For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17, 20

Dear God our Father, you are the God of faithfulness and perfect holiness. You reign with a righteous hand and exhort us to attain purity and perfection like unto you, for your heavenly kingdom is free of any sinfulness, pure and unblemished, as are all who reside therein. Jesus has taught us, by the example of his own life to be humble and follow the law, which is your holy word.

Nothing comes from you which is purposeless. Every word emanating from you is what we have to achieve and what we should obtain, to enter your kingdom and make it our heavenly abode. But our devious human nature fails us repeatedly and even the most obedient of men fall short of the standards of our infallible and gracious God.

We need your grace to surround us, in order to live righteous lives. Knowing our inability to save ourselves from the curse of wickedness, you sent a savior to redeem us by the sacrificial offering of his life to break the curse of sin. In his righteousness he has made us righteous and only his blood has saved us and made us worthy receptacles of your favor and healing grace.

Jesus is the epitome of perfect man and perfect God, by his absolute obedience to your holy will and his unmitigated fulfillment of your holy word. He is the sacrificial lamb offered on your altar for our transgressions. Only Jesus can lead us to you, Father, and in Jesus alone we trust. He is the Lord of our salvation, with us and in us, through the power of your holy spirit, until the end of the ages. Amen

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