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Matthew 5: 9

18 November, 2024

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9

Lord God, of Love, Peace and Light, you have created man to be perfect in righteousness and goodness that are the intrinsic attributes of your Being. But man fell prey to weaknesses and sinfulness, wickedness and friction, the desire for power and the divisions caused by it. He departed from the peace and purity that only you can give. And so you sent your beloved Son, the Prince of Peace, to restore tranquility and to transform the troubled hearts of men, to bring freedom and solace in a reunion with their God.

Jesus, before departing from this world, bestowed his peace upon all who believe in the Living God and in his Truth and Righteousness. He gave us peace of the Spirit, that cannot relate with this warring world which condemns the just and glorifies ungodly might and the strength of destruction. The pursuit of true peace often results in conflict. Jesus had to die and overcome the world by his resurrection in order to accomplish peace and harmony among the people of God.

A peacemaker accomplishes peace by rising with integrity above all wrongs, forgiving the wrongdoer to teach the world true strength of a heart that has conquered worldly pursuits. Lord, may we attain true peace and bring an end to injustice and discord, uprooting the seeds of destruction and planting good seeds that will give rise to the good fruits of peace. By so doing Lord, help us mend barriers between man and God and man and his neighbor to be called the rightful sons of a peaceful and loving God. May we be peacemakers who preserve the peace with fortitude and perseverance, humility and character, to be called your children, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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November 18, 2024
November 18, 2024