Prayers and Petitions

Matthew 7:8

27 August, 2021

For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 7:8

Abba Father, in your great Compassion, Righteousness and Benevolence, you have granted us sustenance and every providence. You have created us and you provide for us, protect us and are ever accessible to all who approach you in faith. Father, you have promised to supply all our needs according to the riches of your glory, in Jesus’ Name. We need to be so energized by this faithful assurance, that we should persistently and repeatedly place our petitions before you, on the altar of your grace.

Almighty God, you always hear us, but answer us in most mysterious and unexpected ways that you know best, and which most glorifies you. And in the process we receive your answer, find what we are truly seeking, and have the right doors opened for us. We need to remember that our prayer should be focused on your Holy Will, through which we can testify and spread the good news of your Kingdom and glory.

By growing in holiness to present ourselves in a way acceptable to you, by honoring your commands and by overcoming sin through forgiveness and deliverance, we can stand justified before you. Jesus reminded us that if we pursued the things we hope to acquire, and that if they concur with your plans for us, we will receive them. In addition, we will undergo change for good, when we seek you with a pure heart, willingly bearing our crosses. It is then that you will reveal and manifest your presence to us, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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