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Matthew 9: 37-38

22 January, 2024

Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest” – Matthew 9:37-38

Abba Father, we are tremendously in awe and extremely grateful that we are your flock, your appointed and chosen people and we prostrate before you in fervent gratitude, to be members of the Body of Christ, living in him and for him, as Christians and children of our Heavenly Father. Praise and adoration, worship and glory be yours, Lord, for sending Jesus to dwell amongst us, to hand over your covenant to us, for us to be among the elect to receive the Holy Spirit into our hearts, and by our faith, being redeemed by the plan of Salvation, by which our Savior acquired for us the gift of eternal life, for your greater glory.

As true believers and followers of Christ, we need to be reaching out to the lost, just like Jesus did, living our lives in perfect imitation of him, by serving our brethren with humility and compassion. That would involve being in their midst and touching their lives with our selfless love, making the Holy Word of God known to them, building their faith, for only by planting the seed of faith in others’ hearts will the plants sprout, grow and be ready to harvest. Jesus promises us a plentiful harvest, but lay people, are needed to reap it.

Lord God, help us to be attuned to the inner, spiritual needs of people around us, by looking at them as Jesus did, and gauging their feelings, the torments of their past, the helplessness of their present, the fears of their future. We must be sensitive to the Spirit and look for every opportunity to share Christ with those who are lost, or need to come back to Him. Harvesting a crop requires effort and takes patience and perseverance. Jesus calls us to the ultimate harvest of those who need and are ready to follow Jesus and it is a command and our responsibility to respond quickly, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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