June 6, 2024
June 6, 2024
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Micah 6:8

6 June, 2024

He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

Heavenly God, having already given us the gift of salvation by your grace and our faith, we gratefully and thankfully accept to walk in your ways, in perfect obedience and dedication, recognizing you as the only True God, Fount of life and Compassion. You are Goodness embodied and perfected and we extol your Holy Name in song and praise with the heavenly hosts, for you have upheld us from ignominy to righteousness.

We desire to live in Christ’s holy ways, following your perfect plans and the laws of love, humility and obedience imparted to us by Jesus, who projected these virtues in his own life. We emulate and imitate our Divine Master, Jesus Christ, knowing what would please you, O God, and delighting in obeying your word. This is life itself for us and replenishes and rejuvenates every fiber of our being.

Lord., you do not require sacrifice, but a heart which is penitent and contrite. You have manifested abundantly your kindness and goodness, your generosity and forgiveness and we persevere in perfecting your ways in our lives, to find favor in your sight and to be blessed with your Holy Grace. We beseech you to lead us by your Holy Spirit, in ways which are right, just and pure, to gain eternal salvation through Jesus our Lord. Amen

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