Prayers and Petitions




Nothing is better for a man than that he should eat and drink, and that his soul should enjoy good in his labor. This also, I saw, was from the hand of God. For apart from Him, who can eat and who can find enjoyment? – Ecclesiastes 2:24-25

When God told Solomon that he would give him anything that he asked for, the new king asked for wisdom to be able to rule the big nation of Israel. God made him the wisest man on earth and gave him also the power and fortune that he did not ask for. The book of Ecclesiastes reflects Solomon’s wisdom and his lifetime experiences, proving that even the wisest man can make mistakes and wrong decisions. We all need the wisdom that comes from above and God gladly gives it to all who ask for it.

For the present life, in this body, it seems that the above verses are the ultimate truth. Some people work much more than they should, without allowing themselves to enjoy the fruit of their labor, as they try to gather more and more for their heirs. We should be balanced in everything we do, including how much we work and what we do with our income. When we have a true, loving relationship with Jesus, He has the first place in our lives and all we do is unto Him. We follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in earning our living, we give and share with others, and we truly enjoy our food, thanking God and glorifying Him for everything.


Thank You Father God for all the tasty foods You blessed me with. While Your peace and joy are in my heart, as I am in right-standing with You, all I eat tastes even more delicious. Please help me to have the right balance between work and relaxation, saving and giving, earning, and spending and do everything in obedience to You. I want to be Yours forever and please You with everything I am and do. Thank You Lord Jesus for making my salvation possible and for being my Lord and best friend ever! Glory and honor to Your Holy Name, forever and ever. Amen

Source: thetruthstandsforever

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