Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world. – 1 John 4:17
As we come into union and communion with Jesus, His love grows into becoming perfect and complete in us. And when it does, we have total confidence that we may stand with assurance and boldness in front of Jesus, at the day of judgment, because we know we are saved. Perfect love gives us boldness. And because we love and abide in Jesus, we know that “as He is, so are we in this world.” What does the apostle John mean by that? He is not saying as Jesus was, while He walked on earth, John uses the present tense. By the time John wrote this, Jesus was already seated in the heavenly places at Father God’s right hand, and He will still be there, until the rapture. And Father God gave us joint seating with Jesus in the heavenly sphere (Ephesians 2:6).
We have Jesus’ righteousness by faith in Him. And because of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, love can become perfected in us; Jesus’ righteousness and love are changing us into becoming more like Him. The more we spend time in our Lord’s presence, the more His glory will change us. When we have a blessed and sweet harmony and union with Christ, we find pleasure in obeying God.
SUGGESTED PRAYER: Dear Lord, Thank You so much for allowing me to have union and communion with You in such measure, that love may grow in me into completion! Thank You that I can be fully confident that at the day of judgment, You will call me to spend eternity with You, where You have prepared a place for me. Thank You Father God, that by grace, You gave me a joint seating with Jesus in the heavenly places and now my spirit is at Your right hand, in Jesus. What an honor and privilege! Thank You dear Lord, with all my heart. Amen
Source: thetruthstandsforever