Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” – John 8:12
Jesus is the Light of the world! He is the incarnate Word that dwelt among us (John 1:14), providing for us everything we need to be saved. Jesus is the perfect example to follow. He lived a life without sin and in full obedience to His Father. The light removes the darkness, exposes the lies and evil plans of the devil. The presence of Jesus in our hearts helps us see what we have to renounce, and what we have to change.
The more of ourselves that we give to Jesus, the less power the devil will have in our lives. Jesus defeated Satan at the cross, and His victory became our victory only after we asked Him to be our Lord and started to live for Him. Any committed sin which we do not ask forgiveness for, empowers the enemy to hurt us again. We need to spend more time in our Lord’s presence, so that we can be filled and strengthened by the Holy Spirit in everything we do and wherever we go.
Praises and glory to You Lord Jesus! You are the Light that gave me life and rescued me from the power of darkness. Because You are my Lord, the devil has no more ownership over me and in Your holy Name I have the authority to resist him, steadfast in faith. Thank You for loving me more than I can ever imagine and please reveal more and more to me, the secrets of Your love and the wonderful plan You have for my life, helping me to fulfill it step by step, in praise of You forever. Amen.
Source: thetruthstandsforever