Prayers and Petitions




Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. – Proverbs 17:28

It is so beneficial to be able to control our lips. People that talk less, seem wiser, even if they are not. We are created to communicate, but if we do not use our words wisely, they may destroy us. Whoever talks more, errs more than the one who talks less. The opportunity to say more than we should, increases with the number of words we use in conversation.

There are many warnings in the Bible about controlling our lips and being careful with our words. Whatever concerns, worries, upsets or excites us, directs our words. If we want to keep it to ourselves, we need to avoid getting engaged in any conversation, until we are able to control our emotions.

By following the advice to keep our lips shut or talk only when we need to, we may spare ourselves from much trouble. The less we say, the easier it is to avoid later regrets and the chance to hurt other people or even sin. If before we start any conversation, we ask the Holy Spirit to help us say only what He knows we should say, we can improve and do better, even if we are “born to talk.”


Dear Lord, I need Your help, to be able to control the quantity and quality of the words I use. Please help use the words that build others up and only when, where and to whom You want me to. I cannot do it by myself, so please help me dear Lord to never start a conversation in my own wisdom, but to follow Your leadership. Thank You so very much for all You do for me and for helping me to improve the way I talk too, in the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

Source: thetruthstandsforever

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