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Thus says the Lord: “… Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit.” – Jeremiah 17:5a,7-8

The Lord spoke the above words through Jeremiah, to show us the core of His blessings for those who trust in Him. Faith in God keeps us well nourished and hydrated. We lack nothing as long as we keep God first and ask His help for a balanced life. We all go through seasons in life where we have more duties and responsibilities than we can handle.

It seems like the more our society progresses, the more occupied and tired we are. Why do people feel more tired, exhausted, fatigued and drained out? The most common answer to the “How are you?” question is: “Good, but busy.” We have become so busy with so many activities, that we stop doing what really benefits us and we stress out by doing too much for too many.

Oftentimes we forget that we feel the best when we enjoy what we are doing and that there is rest in doing so. Instead we all struggle to get more done, even with the cost of lacking rest and sleep. The more tired we are, the less joy, peace, contentment and happiness we have. How can we fix this? God created our bodies to be restored during deep sleep. If our night sleep is light and any little noise wakes us up, we are not truly resting and our bodies are not getting the regeneration we need. As a result, we feel tired all the time.

We get real rest while sleeping, when our brain ceases its active processing. This is when we lose our conscious awareness about our surroundings and our brains and bodies enter in a quiet state. The best way to make this happen is to take a few minutes before going to bed to “unwind,” having a conversation with God telling Him what bothered us during the day and then giving Him whatever caused us to feel confined, tense or bound.

We need to give it all to Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to show us the right Scripture that will help us pray correctly about whatever the problem is. Whatever hurt or offended us and all the issues that we feel we need to take care of or solve, but we cannot really do anything about, we pray about it according to what the Bible says God’s will is and based on it, we know that God hears and answers our prayers! If we do this in each area that bothers us, until we have peace about it, we will be able to rest by sleeping deep.


Dear Lord, I need to leave my burden at Your feet. Please help me give You all my concerns about __ (specify what worries you). Thank You so much that I can give it all to You and find rest in trusting You for the best solution. Please help me to stop feeling offended by what __ (mention the person’s name) did to me and forgive them. Please help me to get enough rest and to stop being grouchy. Thank You that because I trust in You I can be “like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river,” and I will not fear when adversity comes my way. Lord please help me find the right Scripture about this situation, and pray accordingly, to get my breakthrough! In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Source: thetruthstandsforever

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Ephesians 6:13
April 3, 2024
April 3, 2024