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THE 3rd OF june


You shall do what is right and good in the sight of the Lord, so that it may be well with you and that you may go in and possess the good land which the Lord swore to your fathers. Deuteronomy 6:18

God promises us such amazing blessings in His Word and all He is asking from us is to “do what is right and good” in His sight. By doing what is right, we are empowering God to work in our behalf, bless, protect, and make His wonderful plan for our lives to come to pass. When we do the opposite, we hurt ourselves, as we empower the powers of darkness to attack and destroy us.

Our welfare depends on our obedience. Even when the wrong decisions of those around us are affecting us, as long as we remain in the palm of God’s hand, He will turn all the bad into something beneficial, even if it takes a while. The only way we truly change and become more like Christ is by going through hardships. When things go well, our carnal nature wants to take over and make us prideful. We are tempted to believe that we can do it all, and we can make it on our own without God’s help.

We can hurt ourselves by being prideful, without any help from the enemy. Only by living an obedient life, loving God and pleasing Him, can we enter in the possession of all that God has prepared for us to have. The happier life for each of us is the one that God planned for us, ahead of time. The more we follow God’s plan, the more fulfilled and happier we are.


Oh Lord, how can I ever thank You for all the blessings You prepared for me! I am so sorry for all the times I did things my way and sinned against You. I know that much of my pain and sorrows have come from my own doings. Please help me hear Your direction more clearly and follow Your lead, even when it does not seem logical in the natural. I have learned that in those times You shine the most and prove Your power and might! Thank You for all the miracles, love, and care that You have already given me and that You will continue to bless me with! In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen

Sources: thetruthstandsforever

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Ephesians 1:7
June 3, 2024
June 3, 2024