Prayers and Petitions




A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger and is patient, calms disputes. – Proverbs 15:18

Stress and tiredness lead to a hot temper. The Lord advises us to be slow to anger, for our benefit. It is so much easier to fall into sin while being upset and angry, than when we are calm and collected.

We need to excuse ourselves, giving ourselves time, to calm down and get our peace back. If we “pour out” the glass of our frustration to the Lord, by telling Him what got us mad or what hurt us, and we ask Him to sincerely forgive us, if we sinned, we start to calm down. Then we need to get refilled, by asking the Holy Spirit to help us feel His presence and fill our hearts with His love, patience and peace. If we know that we might get offended again by certain people or topics that are discussed and there is no way to avoid them, we ask God to strengthen and help us keep the right attitude to please Him. By doing so, with God’s help, we can change, becoming peace makers on matters related to us.

The benefits of keeping our calm and peace when a normal person would get mad are enormous. We can spare ourselves and those around us, much pain and suffering, by choosing to keep our calm. It is so worth it, to ask God to help us remain calm and give us wisdom to solve the situation the best we can.


Father God please help us remain calm, when things are not going right and people do us wrong or are not treating us right. Please forgive us  for not always listening to your voice and still getting upset or even angry at times.

Dear Lord please grant us the fruit of self-control that is in us, through the Holy Spirit, to take control over our reactions and remain calm no matter what. Thank you Lord, for helping us so many times to calm down in time and please forgive us for when we did not listen to your warning and sinned. Please help us to control our feelings and reactions in Jesus’ Name. Amen

Excerpts: thetruthstandsforever

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