Prayers and Petitions




Therefore gird up the loins of Your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to You at the revelation of Jesus Christ; – 1 Peter 1:13

As shown in the previous messages inspired by verses from the first chapter of 1 Peter, to be able to remain strong in faith, we must have the right perspective of what is prepared for us in heaven. The hope of salvation gives us the power to fight the good fight of faith on a daily basis. If we do not guard our minds from negative, discouraging, depressing, fearful and worrying thoughts, it will not be easy.

Why does Peter urge us to “gird up” our minds and “be sober”? Because our thoughts generate emotions and together they lead our speech, attitude, and in time influence our character.

Not every thought we have in our minds is our own. The mind is the battlefield, where the enemy and the Holy Spirit may bring thoughts. Just by seriously studying the Word of God daily, we learn to correctly identify the source of the thoughts and then know what to stop or accept.

We are used to our own thoughts, so they are not much of a surprise. The thoughts that come from the Holy Spirit build us up, encourage us, and when necessary, convict us of sin. The uneasiness that the Holy Spirit brings leads us to repentance. Any condemnation for a sin that we have sincerely repented of, comes from the evil one. Any evil, hateful thoughts and temptations to sin also come from the enemy or our carnal nature. The devil wants to destroy us, and if we are not spiritually alert and we do not pay attention to what he brings into our minds, we will pay the price.


You created me in such a wonderful way, dear Lord! If I study Your Word, the Holy Spirit reveals to me its mysteries and helps me to change by renewing my mind. Please help me to pay attention to each thought and to cast out those that come from the evil one and to replace them with the truth of Your Word. Please give me the wisdom I need to think as You like and help me to immediately ask forgiveness for every sin, so that I will not give the enemy any “open door” and that even at night time, for my mind not to be controlled by thoughts from the evil one. Thank You, Lord Jesus, because I can fully rejoice in what You have prepared for me in heaven. Amen

Source: thetruthstandsforever

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