Prayers and Petitions




But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. James 3:17

While the wisdom that leads to envy, jealousy, confusion and every evil work is earthly and even demonic, the true wisdom, that we can only receive from God is exactly the opposite. God’s wisdom, will always bring the desire to have and fight for purity and not sin. It causes us to recognize God’s peace and to diligently seek it. True godly wisdom recognizes authority and finds it just to obey it.

No one can be truly merciful being lead by human wisdom. The secular mindset leads to pride, elevation of self and lack of compassion for those in need. God’s wisdom produces all the good fruit of the Spirit in us, ponders things right, according to God’s value system and is always totally sincere with no hypocrisy. The wisdom that comes from above helps us to think and make decisions pleasing to God and which benefits us the most.

SUGGESTED PRAYER: Thank You Lord for Your wisdom. Please help me to always seek it and never count on human wisdom. I want to live to please You Lord and only with Your help can I do it. Please help me have a pure and peaceful heart, to be gentle and obedient to Your Word, be full of mercy and compassion, producing only the good fruit of righteousness by living sincerely for You, without hypocrisy or taking sides. In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen

Source: thetruthstandsforever

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