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Philippians 2: 3

8 November, 2024

Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vain glory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves. – Philippians 2:3

Abba Father, we thank you for creating us and giving us spiritual maturity and human dignity, power, knowledge and intellect. We praise and worship you, great Author of our life and salvation. Our mortal nature and free will you have bestowed upon us, trusting that we will always work towards adhering to  your Holy Will and crave to make sure that no ungodly motives possess us as we aspire towards perfection of self.

Lord, you deemed us worthy of being saved by the ransom of your own son’s precious blood, shed to atone for our sins and gain freedom from slavery. You even adopted us to sonship and as co-heirs to share in your heavenly kingdom alongside Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer. Jesus taught us humility of spirit, love for our neighbor and to live a life in service of others. Oftentimes, we are tempted towards self glory, selfish incentives, proclamation of our good deeds to all, in order to receive vain honor and elevation, pandering to ego and pride, and we become contentious and conceited.

We need to live in true humility of spirit, Christian fellowship, and display by the example of our lives, the exemplary life of Christ, who tended to the bodies, soul and spirit of the poor, the sick, the sinner, the brokenhearted, the marginalized, with such gentle disposition, that he took upon himself their tribulations and inflicted upon himself the curse of their iniquities. Help us to be Christ centered, living our lives in imitation of him, so. that we reap the rewards of eternal life in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen

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November 8, 2024
November 8, 2024