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Philippians 4 : 7

19 October, 2020

Then the peace of God, which is beyond our utmost understanding, will keep guard over your hearts and your thoughts, in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

God our Father, we magnify your Holy Name when we wake up at the dawn of day. Every new day ahead, offers us new insights into the marvels of your perfect plans for the whole of creation. We realize that you are ever watchful and it brings comfort and consolation, strength and encouragement to our resolve of encountering the day with positivity that your love will help us survive it, if your Will so allows that we should.

There is no guarantee that life will be easy at all times. Our Lord Jesus’ life depicted that he himself was a man of sorrows, familiar with suffering and acquainted with grief. But unflinching trust and deepening faith that all we encounter in life is by your Will, hence there is no cause for anxiety, imparts to our hearts incredible joy and pervading, soothing peace in the certainty that we are safe.

Father, your love is unfathomable and we are ever amazed that you could die, out of love for us. It goads us to intensify our efforts to draw others into the knowledge of and the circle of this unbelievable, sublime love. May we develop gentle hearts, with peaceful minds radiating a presence of concern for others, encouragement and inspiration in tribulations, peacemaking and helpfulness to all in need.

May we always offer thanksgiving for your goodness and mercy, in prayer, and remain in close communion with you, casting all our burdens unto you, and seeking the peace which Jesus has left us with, the wonderful, mysterious peace of the Holy Spirit, protecting us when vulnerable, saving us from sinfulness and invading our minds and our hearts with joy and bliss, dispensing the peace of Christ, in his Holy Name. Amen

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4 Prayers

  1. Amen to the above prayer made to God our Father in the Holy name of Jesus. Praise and thank you God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, Triune Godhead be adored. Alleluia.???❤️

  2. Lydia says:

    Amen! Amen! Praise and thank you Jesus. ???

Matthew 22: 37-39
October 18, 2020
Psalm 33 : 8-10
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