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Philippians 4:4

16 December, 2021

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again. Rejoice! – Philippians 4:4

Lord, Heavenly Father, you are our Refuge and Shelter, our place of safety and we have great cause to rejoice at all times, for we are never alone, especially in any hazardous situation. We believe in your omnipresence and know that you will always stretch forth your Mighty Hand to uphold us. We are exhorted, as members of Christ’s Body, to give thanks and be glad and joyous that, with Christ as the Head, we, as Christians, are joined to him always.

Lord, you work wonders in our lives and have promised to be with us forever, until the end of time. We believe in your faithfulness Lord, for even in our sinfulness, you were our only Salvation and came down from the heavens as mortal man, to save and set us free. You released us from the abyss of iniquity and gave us the Light of the world, Jesus. You took away every stain of sin by washing us with your Blood, unto righteousness and eternal life.

The knowledge of what you have done for us, through the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the sanctification, justification and forgiveness we have received from him has lifted us from being depraved sinners into doing everything to deepen our faith and abide in him forever. For the Holy Spirit is with us, dwelling in our hearts, as Christ promised, so that we are no longer orphans, but children of the Most High, and we lift up our voices in an everlasting song of praise for we are being transformed into the very image and likeness of Jesus, for all the benefits of your grace and favor, granted in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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December 16, 2021
December 17, 2021