Prayers and Petitions


All Saints Day – Solemnity of All Saints
1st November

And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.- Revelation 8:4

Dear Heavenly Father, we submit our humble oblation of Thanksgiving on your venerable altar, where the multitude of angels and saints collectively offer resounding adoration and praise your ineffable, Holy Name.

Today is a time to pause and reflect on all those holy women and men who have come before us and who lived amongst us. We are all people of you, O God, praying for one another, learning from example, gaining by emulation, the wisdom of those who have lived the Gospel.

All those who had perfected their lives during their stay on earth, you have elevated to the prestigious rank of saints, honoring them with direct access and a special place in your Heavenly Kingdom, where they reside in eternal bliss and ecstasy, in the fullness of your Divine and Glorious Presence, beholding your Holy Countenance and exulting in its Goodness and Majesty.

Their sublime love for you enables us to make petitions of prayer to them, requesting their aid in our necessities. Thank you Lord for the gift of their interceding on our behalf, and the witness of their holy lives. We ask our patron saints and every saint who has become especially dear to us, to intercede for us. Grant us their assistance and protection according to the authority given them for specific intentions, having been instated as protectors over different aspects of life.

Thank you, God, for the tremendous sacrifices made by those who have gone before us and attained sainthood. Bless the memories of your saints, dear God. May we learn how to walk wisely from their examples of faith, dedication, worship, and love, in the honour and noble victory of the martyrs.

We ask for the intercession of each member of the Communion of Saints, turning our gaze to the immense multitude of those who have already reached the blessed land, and points us on the path that will lead us to that destination.

All the Saints are forever spiritually connected with the world and can intercede on our behalf because of a shared communion with Jesus Christ. All believers are also connected with each other through this shared communion with Christ. We pray by the Litany of the Saints, to access their aid in overcoming temptation and gaining the fullness of life in the Counsel of the Most High, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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