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Prayer on the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus – 6th August, 2020

For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 2 Peter 1:16

Lord Jesus, when you appeared to your disciples, accompanied by Moses and Elijah, in the splendor of your immortality, with the brilliance of your raiment shining with the purity of snow, you revealed to all your Divinity. You are the fulfilment of the law and the prophets of Israel and in you the hopes and fears of all people are met. We thank you Lord, for the precious gift of Salvation. You shed every droplet of your Most Precious Blood to redeem us. Give us grace to reform ourselves completely, transforming our lives and establishing ourselves as your devoted flock in the coming times. Bring rest and refreshment when we are exhausted; hope and faith when we are despondent  and the assurance of your love and forgiveness when we are overwhelmed by our own weaknesses and failures. Inspire your church today with a renewed vision of your glory so that we and all your people may walk as children of light and, by your grace, reveal your presence in the world. Give wisdom to those in authority, subdue those who are victims of their passion and addiction, renew those with traumatic and wounded hearts and minds and sustain those who are experiencing bitter trials in their tortured lives. Lord Jesus, in your mercy hear our prayer. Amen

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3 Prayers

  1. Amen! to the above powerful prayer!
    Praise the Lord!???

Isaiah 44: 22
August 6, 2020
John 12:36
August 7, 2020