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Prayer to our Mother of Perpetual Help

Prayer to Our Mother of Perpetual Help

Holy Mary, Mother of God, our Mother of Perpetual Succour, thank you for all your blessings and for taking care of us, everyday of our life. Please continue to guide and protect us in our daily lives, keep us all healthy, strong, peaceful, happy and safe always. Please hear our prayers and bring peace, comfort and hope to those in need and heal those who are suffering from cancer, coronavirus, pain and all deadly diseases.
Thank you for your continuous intercession for all your children. Help us to reach out to the needy and depressed with loving mercy and compassion. We love you and are ever confident of your protection. Our Blessed Mediatrix, pray for all your children.

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10 Prayers

  1. Lydia R. says:

    Prayer Requests:
    If a request repeated, please forgive – having vision problem.
    Son Daniel be healed from depression/ loss of brother- grieving/ has no friends Guardian Angel Please be his friend / be blessed with Joy, wisdom, love, patience, motivation, optimism, energy – zest for life, love of job, coworkers and customers/Guardian Angel of Daniel guide good caring friends to him/ be successful in his job/work – . Stop smoking. May he be sent good friends who will lead him to God. (Knights of Columbus – if it be Your Will) Be organized. For Daniel and rest of us – be blessed with joy – grieving d/t death of my son Jeffrey. Thank you, Mother of Perpetual Help, for I have been devoted to you since young girl.

    That St. Joseph/St. Jude, St. Anthony and St. Padre Pio send people who will help me fixing house for low fee. I lost job several yrs. ago and hard for me to upkeep. Need Carpeting/ painting/ fixing porch and land grading. Thank you, Mary, for asking St. Joseph. Wish He would be the one to help.

    Granddaughter Mia pass her Physicians Associate test on Dec. 13, 2024

    *Had procedure Tuesday Dec. 3 on back for removal of black mole that has spread. Requesting prayers for min. discomfort, no anxiety, benign biopsy and speedy recovery.
    ***For my healing of head, brain, skull and constant dizziness and blurred vision.

    Daughter Angela – improved breathing – healed from sleep apnea.

    Mari and Frankie have peace in their lives – he seeks out treatment for drinking.

    Amanda – decreased appetite – has gained too much wt. – grandmother concerned.

    Healing of Cameron – colon / stomach issues.

    Luz M.- healing of numerous issues – meds be decreased.

    Thank you, Mother of Perpetual Help.
    Your daughter Lydia

  2. V L Patrick says:

    For peace and religious unity in the world. To enlighten and guide all the leaders of our world, nation and community For the Pope and all Catholics. For our family and near and dear ones. For our spiritual and temporal wants. For good health and long life. That we may go to Heaven when we die. For success in work and studies. For a happy married life for my daughter and for the good health of her son and parents. For the souls of our dear departed. Thanksgiving for favours received.

1 Peter 1: 15-16
June 27, 2020
Romans 8: 19-21
June 28, 2020