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Proverbs 16:9

13 August, 2024

The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9

Eternal God, we thank you for creating us to be perfect and inviting us to be witnesses to your truth. Your plans for us are infallible and take us to the zenith of good achievements, if we trust your loving care, your judgement, your mercy, your wisdom and your guidance. You have endowed and empowered us with thinking minds that plan and provide for our future as we tread the path of life. But not all plans are fruitful, especially if they are not pleasing to your Holy Will.

Lord, help us to rely on the counsel of your Holy Spirit. May our paths conform to your Ways and our accomplishments coincide with your Will. May we submit to your plans and purpose for our lives and may we always endeavor to grow and mature in holiness and all the values and virtues thereof. Govern our actions and our thoughts, our goals and our vision, to obtaining spiritual growth and strictly maintaining the faith, always attuned to living in Christ, for your glory.

Lord, we know that our lives and the length thereof are in the palms of your loving hand. Though we may consider and propose to following and obtaining certain goals, they may be in opposition to your plan. Help us to be submissive, to leave the reins of our lives in your hands and to be in perfect obedience to what you want of us. For only you can straighten our paths and design our actions according to your purpose for us, for only your path will lead us to eternal salvation and our life in you will determine our future. We humbly pray that you show us the way that will lead us to you, through Jesus our Lord. Amen

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August 13, 2024
August 13, 2024