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Proverbs 23:24


8 August, 2021

The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him. – Proverbs 23:24

Abba Father, you are a Just, Merciful and Righteous God, and your creation worships and thanks you for the great love you harbor towards your children. You have brought us out of the land of slavery and darkness and led us into the Light of your Truth, giving us the Living Bread of Life as Sustenance and vigor, for our brokenness to heal. Your fatherly love has given us eternal salvation.

Those of our earthly fathers who realize that the only way they can be righteous and bring up their children in faith and righteousness is to turn in repentance and faith to Jesus Christ, looking to and trusting Him at all times, use wisdom in recognizing things from your perspective and living according to your Will rather than their own. This includes the first commandment of love, to honor and obey only the One, True, Living God and to treat their neighbors rightly, the same way they would want to be treated. Later in life, the parents transfer their child from their teaching ability to the Scriptures and your tenets.

Lord, help us rear our children to treasure the gospel and take seriously their responsiblity to you and to their mission in the world, for proclaiming the Good News of the gospel to all nations. So that, just as we, as parents rejoice, we know that your Name, our Heavenly Father, will be lifted and glorified to the ends of the earth, and that you will rejoice that we seek your counsel and comfort in all things, equipping our children for their ministry, following your example, in giving your Son as Savior of the world. Grant us, through your Holy Spirit to guide our children in the way of your truth, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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