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Proverbs 31: 25-26

14 May, 2023

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
Proverbs 31: 25-26

Eternal God, you created man in the fullness of your unconditional love, to be a reflection of your perfect Being. Finding your creation incomplete, you carved woman, from man’s rib, to be part of him, to make him complete, to give him companionship and to bear him progeny and thus increase, multiply and continue their lineage down the generations to come. To accomplish this, you graced woman with a striking form, beauty, strength of mind, courage, resolution and multiple benefits to bring to fruition, your glory, magnanimity and righteousness.

You endowed your extraordinary creation with virtues of piety, prudence, generosity, amiability, a strong heart, an honorable esteem, a virtuous disposition, a tranquil mind, all of which were required to fulfill your purpose for her to be a suitable and complementing factor to man. You equipped woman with a gentle, generous, cheerful disposition, to withstand the trials of a life filled with challenges and the ravages of time and advancing age. She was perfected to endure all kinds of tests, to shrug off difficulty and remain staunch, dignified, dependable and spiritual.

Lord, Omniscient God, you envisioned the delicate  psyche of woman when compared to the tough exterior and the physical strength of man and granted her, in order to offset certain traits of man, kindness, a genial nature, an obliging character and wisdom in speech and thought. In this manner she has been equipped to handle all situations which involve comparisons to man, facing any situation with grit and determination, with fairness and quiet dignity. Woman gives progeny to continue the process of formation of following generations and as mother of humanity you have used her in your plan of bringing salvation to all mankind. We thank you for exquisite womanhood, and gracious motherhood, dear God, in Jesus’ Name. Amen


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May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023