26 October, 2021
Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.
Psalm 103:13
Abba Father, what joy and confidence it gives us to address you as Father and to know that you have encircled us all to your bosom as your children adopted and having citizenship of your Heavenly Kingdom. We praise and glorify you, the One God, Who is eternal in substance and holy in nature. You provide the refreshment of our spirit, soul, and body, as we travel through life.
You never fail to bless us anew every moment, and you hold us secure in your love, the tender compassionate love that a father has for his children. You restore us and deliver us from danger and sin, by upholding us with your Mighty Hand. You gently direct our paths, so that we tread in righteousness, leaving and shedding our sinful, rebellious selves for the purity and sanctity, the peace and harmony and the holiness and godly perfection and obedience of your ways. .
Father, your grace is sufficient for us, for your strength is made perfect in all our weaknesses. Lord, we hold you in awe, every time we feel your healing touch, your gentle love, your fervent mercy, rightly knowing the frailty and fickleness of our human nature, saving us from the deep, miry pits of iniquity the moment you hear our cry. You have redeemed us and made us whole. We are not worthy, yet you have never abandoned us and we are eternally grateful, in Jesus’ Name, to belong to you alone. Amen