31 October, 2020
Let those who fear the Lord say: “His love endures forever.” When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord; he brought me into a spacious place. The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 118:4–6
God on High, Immortal and Infallible, you hold the whole of creation which works with perfection and precision, in the Power of your sublime love from everlasting to everlasting because you are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end and you are endless Love itself.
You rescue us from darkness and the chains of evil bondage and pour forth your Light to illuminate our path. You free us to breathe, to revive and to be refreshed by the Promises revealed in your Holy Word, which we have to explore in order to benefit and enjoy the blessings it bestows. You tenderly show us your Truth, at the time when our heart needs it most. Father God, you heal and restore your children to safe pastures, which the rulers of darkness cannot access and we are rejuvenated, renewed and reborn by the Living waters of life.
In these ways and more you have made it possible for us to rejoice in you, celebrating your works, reveling in your presence, taking delight in the glorious privilege you have granted us, Father, to draw nearer to you and in close embrace experience the fullness of being listed as your chosen ones. We pray that we remain in the constancy of your Grace.
As your children, allow us to abide in your love and to face the bitter world fearlessly, for with your comfort we remain undefeated by even the most staunch enemy. We have confidence and trust that victory will be ours when through Christ Jesus and in his Name, we approach you for guidance and assistance. Amen
1 Prayer
Thank you for the wonderful scripture verse and prayer to the Heavenly Father who is our Protector and Defender and we trust that he will keep us safe from all danger. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen ?