Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 126: 1-3

27 December, 2021

When the Lord brought us back to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! How we laughed, how we sang for joy! Then the other nations said about us, “The Lord did great things for them.” Indeed he did great things for us; how happy we were! Psalm 126:1–3

Dear Father in heaven, we hold in awe the truth that we are among your chosen and appointed elect, the sharers and partakers of your Heavenly Kingdom, the children of the One and Only Living God! How wondrous indeed is this great and blessed truth, that we are beneficiaries of the Salvation which the Son of God, Who is also the Son of Man, obtained for us, through his death and resurrection into heaven, washing us free of sin with his Precious Blood, to cleanse us and lead us on the path of righteousness.

Lord God, we hope in you and in your promise, which we hold in our hearts as our most precious possession. Protect and shelter us when times grow hard. May your Spirit come and dwell within us, guiding our way, making our path clear. May your Spirit constantly reveal your Word and aid us in sharing your promise to others, so that the hearts of many may share in the hope, the faith, and the struggle for the day when we are called.

On that day we will be allowed to rejoice, exulting with all people because your salvation comes for the whole world. We await that great day of redemption, which will free us for all time of the sufferings and afflictions of this world. We pray that our lives here go in the direction of your plans and we place our trust in you, through Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord, by Whose Name all grace and favors are obtained. Amen

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