27 September, 2020
I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; before the “gods” I will sing your praise. I will bow down toward your holy temple and will praise your name for your unfailing love and your faithfulness, for you have so exalted your solemn decree that it surpasses your fame. Psalm 138:1–2
O Magnificent Living God, before Whom no other gods exist nor can any claim to be gods, we give testimony of your invincible Strength, unparalleled Love, inexhaustible Mercy, infinite Goodness and Immortal nature and shout aloud these praises in song, with our whole hearts, before the assembly of angels and all audiences of believers and unbelievers.
We declare our absolute belief, because they are in exaltation of the only true and Living God. We will worship the Tabernacle of the Most High and elevate your Word, which encompasses your Truth, your Faithfulness and your Mercy rooted in your steadfast love for your people. Lord, your Holy Word is infallible and trustworthy, and displays beyond doubt your divine attributes of power and grace.
We are tranquil in the certainty of your Covenant with us, which is immutable and your precepts which strengthen us in the midst of the chaos of this world, and are like signposts pointing the direction of the Truth of your paths.
Christ is our temple, and towards him we look with an eye of faith, as Mediator between us and you, God, and in this period of darkness we lift up our eyes heavenward, towards you, our Father in heaven, pleading our cause in Jesus’ Name. Amen