Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 23:3

22 October, 2022

He restores my soul: he leads me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. – Psalm 23:3

Almighty God, we sing in great exultation during this Christmas season, celebrating and commemorating the birth of your Holy Word made flesh and come to dwell amongst us, to revive our dreary souls, and reveal your love for mankind. Jesus preached to us your covenant of love and bequeathed to us your great gift, the promise of eternal life and the rescue of souls from bondage of sin. He promised eternal life for all who believed in him.

Jesus brought light into a darkened and decadent earth. He, being the Light himself, he spread its purity wherever he went, drawing lost souls under the canopy of your love, succoured and safe. He showed us the path to you and sacrificed his life for the atonement of the sins of the world, ransoming it for all time, with the price of his life.

He has reconciled us to you, our Father, for the the sake of your Name by the restoration of your Glory. He has shown us the paths of holiness, truth and righteousness, which are straight, plain, and safe, where we will be directed and counseled by your Holy Spirit, enabling us to walk according to your plan, where there is no danger of wandering. By his word Lord,we will continue to walk in the ways you choose, for the demonstration and glory of your justice, faithfulness, and goodness in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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