Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 24:1

13 January, 2022

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. – Psalm 24:1

Abba Father, we come to you in great faith, and with tremendous hope. You are our Omnipotent, Omniscient God. You hold us in the palm of your hand. Teach us to be always prayerful in a way by which we can feel that we are instantaneously connected to you, for you are our everything. Jesus taught us to pray to you, Father. We thank him for the beautiful prayer he gave us. Lord, as we ask you for our daily bread, we include in it consolation and loving, tender mercy.

Worshipping your Holy Name, brings with it the pure experience of your Spirit leading us over still waters to a calm pasture where peace, exultation and joy preside, where trust and steady faith in our God brings us strength, wisdom, understanding and hope. We need that hope. We yearn for that hope, for we find hopelessness every side we turn. Hope can come only from you.

We plead with you God, we implore you to save your Earth. Don’t punish us any longer. Turn your anger away from us sinners. Turn it to mercy as you see us caught in the throes of helplessness, anguish and turmoil. Yours is a just anger. Yet we plead for your mercy. Cast away your fire and cool us with the water of purification. Help us Lord, save us in Jesus’ Name. Amen

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