Prayers and Petitions

Psalm 25: 8-9

27 November, 2020

Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way. Psalm 25:8–9

O God, you created the universe out of a void, and with the utterance of your word, you brought forth, out of the darkness, your great, radiant light, filling the earth with your magnificent creatures. You made man, in your image, and form, in whom you breathed your spirit. All the heavens and earth ceaselessly speak and sing about your marvelous deeds.

Your love, steadfastness, righteousness, are glorified, because you humbled yourself and descended upon the earth to deliver man and uphold him. Sinners were the objects of your mercy and compassion, and your mission was the redemption of man. You reconciled mankind unto you, for you are the sole sovereign and hence, in order to restore them to their heavenly home as benificiaries, as originally ordained by you, Jesus, our redeemer performed the sacrifice on the cross.

Lord our God in your compassion you conform sinners to your own image, by teaching the humble your ways, thus by your goodness reclaiming sinful men. We are assured that you will renew the hearts of transgressors and guide them into the way of holiness. With the counseling of the holy spirit of truth, we wait, receive, and lift our souls, learning to change and integrating ourselves into the image in which we have been created, the likeness of our Father God, who has dominance over all, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

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