2 October, 2020
In you, Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Psalm 31:1–2
Dear God, your righteous governance in all things concerning your creation is infallible. You are the same today, as yesterday and throughout the generations yet to come, to the end of time, since the Alpha is you Lord and the Omega is you. Hence Lord, our unshakable faith and hope is in your continued guidance and we trust in your Omnipresence.
Lord, you are the rock of our strength and the refuge of our sanctification, where we are rescued by your delivering Power from the entangles of the rulers of darkness. When we plead for an attentive hearing, you grant us speedy and effectual aid.
It is with a trusting and grateful heart that we invoke you with supplications, confident in your eternal promises that makes provision for us in our weakness and raises us up when we are unstable. We are persuaded of your never-failing goodness no matter what difficulties rise up to confound the heart or confuse the mind.
Lord, as we encounter barriers of insurmountable nature and even our strong spirits are daunted, we know that you will pave a sure and certain way and see us through the storms that unsettle us. Let your peace reign in our hearts, as we cling to the Rock of our Salvation and march onwards in faith, in Jesus’ Name. Amen
4 Prayers
Amen and Amen.. Praise to Our Lord… ???
Amen to the powerful prayer made to Almighty God, the Rock of our Salvation, in the Name of Jesus our Savior and Redeemer. ??
Lord JESUS heal my Dad and all the family members from covid. Lord JESUS heal my relationship with my HUSBAND and restore my family life.
Amen… Praying for deliverance ???